
Repositories are simply a store of any number of AURA subsystems. Repositories can be of any implementation-defined number of types, with only one type being required (the local type). Declared repositories either shall specify an immutable snapshot of some kind, or else the implementation must compute a snapshot hash of the repository’s contents at the first moment a subsystem is checked-out from the repository.

Repository Types

AURA implementations shall define all supported repository types as enumeration literals for the enumeration type Repository_Format. The implementation must include the repository of type local.

The reference implementation supports three repository types: local, git, and system.

Local Repositories

local repositories are simply directories accessible directly from the filesystem (which may include remote filesystems, such as via NFS). For local repository declarations, the Location object gives the root path of the repository. Subsystems are expected to be within subdirectories with the Ada-specified Unicode simple case-folded name (lower-case).

Git Repositories

git repositories refer to a specific git repository and commit hash, with an optional ability to follow tracking branches. When checking-out from a git repository, the reference implementation makes a local cache by checking-out the git repo itself. It also initializes and updates any submodules present, before treating the checked-out cache exactly as it would a local repository.

This means the git repository itself should be a collection of directories with the (simple case-folded) names of subsystems that the repository contains. This scheme is particularly useful for submodules; where each submodule is a subsystem that is checked-out from its own repository. This allows the central repository to ensure version compatibility between all hosted subsystems for any given commit/branch/tag.

System Repositories

system repositories allow for common subsystems that are used across a large project (of separate partitions) to be individually made into separately compiled dynamically linked libraries. This feature is targeted at exceptionally large projects and CI/CD pipelines, and enables more distributed build processes.


At the time of writing, the system repository type has not yet been implemented, and is also considered explorational. It is not clear at this time if this type of repository will be implemented at all.

Repository Declarations

AURA implementations are required to support the indexed declaration of repositories in priority order, through child packages of the AURA root package named Repository_(index). Indexes start at 1. Repository_1 is reserved and is explicitly specified by AURA (see below).

All defined repositories shall be contiguous in their index. If a repository is removed, the lower indexes shall be adjusted to fill the created gap.

The implementation can include pre-configured repositories. If the implementation includes pre-configured repositories, it:

  • Must use a contiguous series of indexes starting at 2 for all such repositories

  • Must Auto-generate the declarations for all pre-configured repositories in every project, unless the declarations at those index are already present.

  • Shall accept existing configurations that overlap (user overrides)

  • Can notify the user of overridden pre-configured repositories

A repository declaration must contain a constant declaration of the object Format of type Repository_Format.

An example repository declaration
-- An example of a repository declaration for a git repository, in this
-- case the ANNEXI-STRAYLINE ASAP public repo.

-- This repo references a specific commit via Snapshot, but also contains
-- tracking information via a tag, whch allows the implementation to
-- update the repository with the user's instruction.

package AURA.Repository_2 with Pure is
   Format         : constant Repository_Format := git;
   Location       : constant String := "";
   Snapshot       : constant String := "3b6887d5dae0cc2181b34c9ee7b7c87350b9c342";
   Tracking_Branch: constant String := "stable-0.1";

When attempting to checkout a subsystem that has not been previously checked-out, the implementation must acquire the subsystem from the repository with the lowest index among all configured repositories that contain it.


Repository_1 shall be of format local, and shall refer to all AURA subsystems that have already been checked-out for a project.

The implementation must not accept a non-conformant declaration for Repository_1.

In the reference implementation, Repository_1 simply refers to the project root directly (Location = “./”), meaning that any subdirectories of the project root are considered to be available subsystems.


The reference implementation does not yet support the assisted management of repositories from the cli, though this is a planned feature.

Until that feature is implemented, the user must configure repositories directly, as described in this section.


The checkout process is the process by which an AURA implementation causes a missing subsystem to be included into the program library by retrieving it from the first available repository.

The mechanical details of the checkout process is implementation-defined, but the high-level behavior is explicitly defined as follows:

  1. If a checkout package does not exist for the subsystem, it shall be created if the subsystem is located within one of the configured repositories. The checkout package must be a renaming of the source repository declaration.

  2. If a checkout package exists for the subsystem in the project, the implementation must obtain the exact same representation of the subsystem as originally acquired by the previous checkout, and from the designated repository. If the implementation is unable to satisfy that requirement, it must reject compilation of the program. The implementation can do this by maintaining the necessary information about the repository such as a commit ID or a full repository hash. This information can be stored within the repository declaration (except for Repository_1).

  3. When searching for a repository from which to acquire a missing subsystem, if there are multiple repositories that contain the missing subsystem, the implementation shall use the repository with the lowest index.

  4. The implementation should make a local copy of any checked-out subsystem within the project such that the project itself can be compiled independently.

  5. After a successful checkout, the subsystem shall be configured, and then entered into the project. Configuration may cause additional codepaths to be activated. After entering the configured subsystem, any further subsystem dependencies identified are checked-out as needed.